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Sermon Series Graphics
Kingdom Economics
Kingdom economics is a message series on how God's approach to money is different than the worlds
Fresh Start
We all need a fresh start, and January is the perfect time to hit the rest button with God!
God with us
This two-part series starts the second week of December and will focus on God being near to us, "Emmanuel, God with us".
In __________ We trust
This is a series addressing individual things that we put our trust in. It will primarily be focused on money, wealth, materialism.
The Barbershop
This series is all about the things that we need to cut off or remove that we've outgrown as followers of Jesus.
The makings of a king
A close up look at the life of David
Summer in Galatia
6 week journey through the book of Galatians during the summer at Propel
It is well
We all go through hardships, but can you say it is well with your soul?
Easter at Propel 2024
Easter at Propel 2024
City on a hill
God has called us to shine a light in dark places! City on a hill is a 3-week series walking through Matthew 5
This is us
Each year we do a vision oriented sermon series to make sure we understand the unique call/identity we have as Propel Church in Mount Pleasant NC.
How to survive an election Year
How should believers respond to a world in chaos during an election year? This series is designed to help believers focus on building God's Kingdom over their own
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